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Orgonite Pyramid

Orgonite Pyramid

Crystal pyramids are said to be powerful for manifesting your desires. Their strong base acts as an anchor for your intention. The apex of the pyramid sends the intention out into the universe.


Whether it’s a self-serving stack of cash you want to manifest or to send out love to the collective, pyramid crystals will take you to that next level.


By simply holding or being near these devices you will feel large amounts of positive energy. Wherever you place them they keep the air and life force in the home clean and positive.


How? The interaction of the organic resin and the inorganic metal creates orgone (copper and orgonite) absorb negative energies and transmutes them into positive forces that stimulate the body to heal itself.


Couple that with the amazing benifits you'll also get from the crystals inside the energy you'll get from these beautiful pyramids is just stunning.

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