Migraine Relief Collection
If you suffer with migraines you need this collection!I also suffer with migraines and these bad boys never let me down!Lapis Lazuli has a natural ability to draw off not only the pain but the associated visual disturbances as well.As soon as you get the first sign of a migraine attack, pop the bracelet on your wrist, and place the Lapis lazuli crystal on your 3rd eye chakra. This is situated on your forehead between your eyes.Then breathe in the healing colours of gold and royal blue. 20 minutes later you’ll find the signs of the impending attack have gone.If you can lie down and close your eyes while doing it then all the better.This is best done at the first signs. If you suffer you tend to know when there is an imminent attack.You may still find you have the migraine ‘hangover’ for a while after, I do sometimes, but to not have the pain is such a blessing.Once you feel the signs of the attack have gone you’ll find your crystal will feel very warm, sometimes even hot. This is a sign the crystal has been working hard and has absorbed all the negative energy of the attack.This is where the selenite stick comes into play.Simply pop the crystal and bracelet on the the selenite stick, this will cleanse the crystals and charge them ready for when you need them againIf like me, you wake up some days and just know that you are likely to get an attack, pop the bracelet on. I often find it wards off any impending attack.
The collection includes
Lapis Lazuli braceletLapis Lazuli crystalSelenite stick
Of course, I’m not a doctor, and if you find the pattern of your migraines change, or they are new to you then please seek medical advice.