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Manifestation Quartz A Grade - 1

Manifestation Quartz A Grade - 1

Manifestation Quartz occurs when a crystal grows around another, encasing it forever.


It vibrates at the same frequency as your desires, assisting you to turn your dreams, hopes, desires, and intentions into reality.


Also known as The Baby Within Crystal, the inner crystal is thought to be the kernel that stores the desire you want to manifest while the outer quartz nurtures and protects the growth of that idea until the time is ripe for its birth. The time for its manifestation in your current reality.


Everything in the world is a mass of energy. So when we manifest our desires we bring them to life. As a high-vibration crystal, manifestation quartz brings us in alignment with the amount of energy needed to realise our vision.


This beautiful crystal helps clear our paths, remind us of our intentions, and increases our trust in the Universe's ability to meet our needs.


Manifestation Quartz is very rare and takes thousands of years to develop and form.


This Manifestation Quartz has Lodalite encased by Clear Quartz.

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