Large Abalone Shell / Smudge Kit
Along with its dreamy and ethereal aesthetics, the Abalone shell meaning comes from its connection to the ocean and its healing, calming energy.
Abalone Shell is good for seeing beauty, femininity, and power. The colorful shell symbolizes independence, self-reliance, and solitude. Its energies are thought to offer protection and emotional balance. It brings a natural shielding that blesses the person with tranquility.
Abalone is very useful when it comes to stimulating your psychic development. It will enhance your intuition and other psychic gifts.
It will also increase your ability to be more emotionally open and expressive.
It will encourage cooperation between yourself and others whether at work or with your personal life.
Abalone is said to be beneficial in calming you when you start to get high-strung.
It’s very valuable when you’re working through emotional situations, whether they are emotional situations of the past or the present.
Abalone shell - to catch ash, gently extinguish your sage bundle and to burn loose incense and herbs.
Sage bundle - The smoke from the sage will attach itself to any negative energy and will cleanse it to become positive energy.
Palo Santo - It is known to bring good fortune when burned, and is perfect for smudging.
Feather - Use the feather to keep the herbs smouldering while tou smudge, you can also use it to fan the smoke.